If you've recently welcomed a new child into your family, you know that a baby brings change. Some of the changes are wonderful, but many women can suffer from postpartum depression and anxiety. Not only will this affect your personal life, but postpartum depression can also bring challenges to the the marriage relationship. If your partner is struggling with postpartum depression, there are some things you should do in order to safeguard your marriage.
Seeking professional help for a mental illness is one of the best decisions you can make, even if you do not believe you really need help. Depression, anger problems, and anxiety are all issues that can fall into the category of mental illness, and these issues can often be treated with psychiatry. If you are currently suffering from depression and cannot seem to break it, you may want to visit a psychiatrist for cognitive therapy.
Marriage counseling can be a very valuable tool when you are attempting to work out the differences in your marriage. By working with a counselor, you are able to work your problems out with a neutral third party, who literally does not have a dog in the fight. Counseling is a great idea if everyone is on board, but what do you do when one of you is on board, and the other person is resistant to the idea?