What Types Of Trauma Treatment Are Appropriate For Youth?

Kids are the future and must be protected. Unfortunately, life isn't always predictable, and death, abuse, and violence can cause trauma at early ages. Youth trauma must be treated sensitively to avoid alienating or further traumatizing kids and teens. Here are some techniques that qualified counselors can use to help young people work through their trauma. 1. Play Therapy Talking about traumatic events can be upsetting for anyone, especially kids who do not yet have the emotional resiliency and maturity of adults.

LGBTQ Therapy Can Be Helpful, Even If You've Been "Out" For Years

If you've been out for years, you may initially think you're past the point of needing therapy or help dealing with challenges related to your gender identity and sexual preferences. You are strong for having worked through things without having consulted a therapist so far. But there's no need to continue pushing forward and facing things all alone. Today, there are plenty of great LGBTQ+ therapists out there. Here are some signs you can benefit from seeing one — even if you've been out for years.

What Should You Know About A DWI Mental Health Assessment?

Many people drive daily in order to fulfill their obligations, run errands, and visit friends. Driving may seem like no big deal since it's so commonplace. However, driving can be highly dangerous if undertaken while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are arrested for driving under the influence, you will likely be sentenced to a DWI mental health assessment. Here are four things you should know about this type of mental health assessment:

Why Should You Consider A Pilot Substance Abuse Program?

For many pilots, the stress of the job is overwhelming. Not only are pilots tasked with flying planes safely, but they are also responsible for passenger safety and abiding by rules and regulations. It is normal for this job to cause some stress, and this can often contribute to substance abuse. For many reasons, you should consider a pilot substance abuse treatment program. These are a few reasons to consider signing up for a program today.

Understanding Your Anxiety And The Importance Of Treating It

One source states that over 40 million American adults suffer from anxiety. If you suffer from this issue, you are not alone. So many people feel anxious every day, but only a fraction of those experiencing it seek help for it. Here is a description of some of the main types of anxiety people feel and the reasons for it, along with some common treatment options for it. Common Types of Anxiety Disorders